We, maximum blog owners do and get something really great from Article Marketing. Read my posts- 5 Reasons to start and continue Article Marketing and I am writing periodically at Articlesbase and gaining great to learn more about Article Marketing strategy, idea, significance and promoting guidelines.
Anyway, Hubpages is somehow similar to article marketing. But in most cases it can provide you with something extra facilities. Like, you will get money from Adsense, Amazon revenue, but the article directories are not going to share you with those opportunities.
Anyway, one problem with Hubpages is that, you will need to work hard, give effort and time to promote it compared to that Article Marketing as the Hubs (posts you write) are your property (in a sense) and no one is going to give time to promote your one. But you will get something nice facilities from the Hubpages Administrators as they are always busy to develop their site, and your hub (page) is a part of that!
The Pros of Hubpages
While using Hubpages, I already told you that you are going to gain something great from it. So let me just make you the concept clearn with neat points, below.
- The site will be optimized for Search Engines to crawl.
- That's already a high-trafficked website.
- You can easily meet with thousand publishers (they call 'hubbers') contibuting that site.
- You can have the opportunity to earn money from their faster.
- There is grading system for Hubbers. Once you reach more than score 75, then the site machine is going to expel the nofollow tag, and you will be able to link to your site with 'dofollow' tags which is going to help you increase the Google's eye of importance to your site (called Page Rank).
- With Hubpages sharing options are easier. You can get regular readers there and grow your overall name, site & business reputation to a great extent. The people can easily share your articles utilizing Social Networking sites such as 'Twitter and Facebook.'
- Nowadays, maximum people are getting rejected from Google Adsense for missing some Terms. But if you use Hubpages, create a hub. Then the process is a bit easier. And later you can make a channel and place ad units to your site in the very beginning. To get guaranteed Adsense Approval, I suggest you to read my post here- Guaranteed Adsense Approval (if you want to make the Approval Process easy for you.)
Good post with clear n useful content. Keep up writing...
Well written... I also write sometimes on Hubpages but traffic I get is very low !
Anyway,I know that you know more about me about Online Marketing ideas. But I wan't to ask you a question. 'Do you tweet or Like (facebook) your own hubs yourself?' . I saw many people recommend their articles themselves and get listed in the recommended hubs.
Maybe, doing personal hub promotion can give you more pageviews to your hubs. Its just an idea I have made. It may be right or wrong. ....:)
- Author, Shafin.
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