Choosing the best blogging platform

Many bloggers at the beginning start to think a lot about which platform to choose, which template to select and which topic and keywords to go with. But if you really want to take my advice, I would suggest everyone of you to think and understand which platform possess which kinds of abilities and capabilities. Such as, if you are here to start your blog just as your hobby then the platform will be something different and if you want to register your company with your blog name then the process will be something different. Let us discover which platforms are here to help us blog with.

  3. Typepad
  6. Greymatter
  7. B2evolution
  8. ExpressionEngine
  9. Text Pattern
There are also various hundreds of platforms. But to name them, I think I won't need to write so big list. You decide yourself that how much time you wanna spend for your blog promotion, writing and making it a rich one. Presently, people are choosing Blogger and Wordpress the most because of some various services they provide. Let us check out which can fulfill what kinds of demand of bloggers like (you and me).

A brief introduction to blogger

You should have already known that blogger provides free (domain+hosting+customization) fully free unless you intend to buy content, templates and something more. If you think that you do not have much experience in blogging, writing and catching up with your readers, then blogger is the best solution for it. You will get everything including (money+success) from Blogger but the process is a bit slower. Because, we know that as it is free all people are crumbling there with new domains and blogs and blocking the paths of those who really want to blog. So, from thousands of scam sites it will be your job to come up and show off yourself to the people. Which will need (creativity+patience+little experience of writing). Another bad side of blogger is that the domains seems quite bigger with 8 characters added with your desired name. Such as your blog is on Facebook Tip. If you want to start a blog with the name then facebooktip.(blogspot).com will be added, which will be difficult for those people to remember who actually do not know what is blogger and other services.

But Blogger is really a fascinating platform if you want to give a try! One day one of my friends suggested me to jump blogger to wordpress with this exisitng blog (which you're reading). But I didn't because the link juice, popularity which I got for this domain with ( added. I have no intention to do the struggle again with the only ( So whenever you are here to choose a blog platform, always know that if you once choose Blogger it will be a very tough job to shift to your main and paid domain. But Blogger has a plus point because it is the product from Google. And what Google creates, it rank #1 in the world. So whatever you do with blogger it is absolutely safe to go with.

Now I tell little about Wordpress for your paid (domain+hosting)

In the very beginning I need to say that Wordpress will do the best for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) with necessary plugins. And it is easy to customize everything from the dashboard. And whenever you are here to change the theme (template) in Wordpress, it will make the overall process much easier.

Did you hear about Darren Rowser from Problogger? Most probably you have. If his domain was, he could not make the status as #1 blog tips provider in the present world. Because its free and free can never take you to the the desired position you dream about today.

So both Blogger and Wordpress is a good solution to blog with. It actually totally depends on you how you are going to make the plan and start with. If you want to become a full time blogger, its your duty to choose Wordpress and Blogger if you want to make a start.

So as a conclusion, "Blogger stands #1 for newbies"
                              "Wordpress stands #1 for people whi have interest, intention and dream to make          the     most    from blogging expo."


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